Edible Ohio Valley

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Pickled Carrots

makes 1 pint

¾ lb. carrots, tops removed, peeled, and sliced into sticks
1 (½-inch) piece fresh ginger
1 clove garlic
⅔ cup apple cider vinegar
⅔ cup water 
2 tsp. coriander seed
2 tsp. cumin seed
1 Tbsp. sugar
1½ tsp. Kosher salt
1 cinnamon stick

Place the carrot sticks, ginger, and garlic in a sterilized 1-pint jar.

Heat a small saucepan over medium; add coriander and cumin seeds and toast the spices for a minute or two until they’re fragrant. Take the pan off the heat to cool slightly. Add vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and cinnamon stick; bring to a boil and simmer until sugar and salt dissolve. Pour brine over carrots (leaving ½ inch of headspace). Cover jar with a new lid and band. Let cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for at least 2 days to develop flavor. Keep for up to 1 month, refrigerated.